Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Electric Pocket Bike

Electric Pocket Bike
Electric pocket bikes are considered to be an evolution of the mini pocket bikes. They are usually produced out of similar parts that that are used for the mini pocket bikes. These electric pocket bike models are fast and are quickly gaining in popularity for adults and kids alike.

The electric pocket bike originated in Japan before the phenomenon of them quickly spread to Europe and soon the United States. No one could deny the fun and the power that they could have with one of these bikes and they soon became a worldwide phenomenon and a must have for anyone who loves to do cool tricks and race.

What makes electric pocket bikes so popular is their attention to safety. Producers understand that parents will not buy something for their children without it being safe and they have seen to this. But with this safety they were able to make sure that nothing was left out and that the electric pocket bikes would still be exciting and fun for everyone.

Special Features For Electric Pocket Bikes
The quiet electric pocket bike motor holds up to 500 watts of power. The electric motor comes equipped with a battery charger that is able to turn itself off when the battery is fully charged. The electric pocket bike motor is quiet and environmentally friendly.

A special shutter is built over the key ignition to ensure that your electric pocket bike is never stolen.

Electric pocket bikes are available in a variety of different colors that include; red, blue, yellow, black, and silver. They are easy to transport.

No one can deny that each electric pocket bike has been designed with special detail and attention. It is built with a tinted windshield, a racing style gas tank, instrument lights, and flare that gives your bike a sport edge to it.

Engineers have reduced the risk of flats by making an airtight seal in the interior of each of the tires. This allows them to be in use even when they have low pressure.

The front and rear vented disk brakes can be self adjusted through the use of the brake caliper. This helps to prevent any wear that might damage the brake pads.

Electric Pocket Bikes


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